Saturday 25 September 2010

Kitchen play area

Plato Academy- Athena's students, have started creating the "kitchen" play area! After talking about traditional Greek plates, we posted two poster boards with the pictures of  our favorite plates and their names! Every child is  bringing  in some empty boxes for the "kitchen pantry", and we are going to use Athersley South Primary School's recipe to make our very own fruit!
Dramatic play with chef's hats and aprons is following! 

Thursday 23 September 2010

The children at Athersley South Primary School have busy setting up our Role Play Area. So far we have made a Fruit and Vegatable Market Stall where children can come and buy pretend food. We have also put in lots of plastic money to help with our counting.
We have made all the fruit and vegetables ourselves using Salt Dough. It is like playdough but can be baked in the oven to go hard and then painted. We have put the ingredients list and how to make it on the blog for you to use.

Salt Dough
2 Cups of Flour
1 Cup Salt
1 Cup Cold Water
  1. Mix the flour and salt together.
  2. Slowly add the water and mix together.
  3. Knead onto a floury surface and make into shapes.
Shapes will air dry in a few days or can be placed in the oven at 100 degrees untill hard. Time varies depending on thickness. Our oranges took 3 hours.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Well done everyone!

I'd like to say a massive well done to everyone who managed to email me their school logo and details. These have now been added to the blog and we are ready to start!

Monday 13 September 2010

Lets Get Started

World Kitchen 2010 t is about to get started but before it does could you please send me an email ( with a few details your school and a school logo. This will help everyone know who is involved in World Kitchens 2010. Could you please do this before the official start date (20.09.10). Then the project will be ready to begin!!